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Partnership with Fontys Hogeschool


Peercode has entered into a partnership with Fontys Hogeschool in the Netherlands.

On 5 June, 2015, Ad Vissers, director of Fontys Hogeschool ICT, and Govert de Vries, Managing Director of Peercode, signed a cooperation agreement. To ensure that students already know during their study exactly what methods and techniques are used in the business world, Fontys Hogeschool works together with leading and innovative companies in the ICT field. Fontys ICT now maintains close contacts with approximately fifty companies and organisations in the region, including TomTom, Philips, DAF, Rabobank, Pink Roccade and Sogeti.

Each ten-week course block has at least one Partner in Education. This is a company that guarantees the timeliness and future-focus of that course. The educational concept is extremely and strongly development-focussed, based on the continuously forward-focussed and innovative and innovative ICT world. Fontys selects partners based on the current professional context in which students learn optimally.

Peercode has now already helped structure and guided two course blocks and several students from Fontys ICT have completed an internship at Peercode. Moreover, a user experience designer Arjan Groeneweg works partially at Peercode and partially at Fontys ICT.

Objectives of the partnership with Fontys for Peercode are:

  1. to encourage innovation,
  2. to recruit talented employees and
  3. to strengthen the quality of education.
Signing of Partners in Education

Signing of Partners in Education contract by Ad Vissers, Director Fontys College ICT (left) and Govert de Vries, director of Peercode (right)