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Projects for our clients

A few examples of the clients in our client group, ranging from sport brands, high-tech startups to multinationals. In principle, the projects are always undertaken based on an intensive dialogue with our clients, in which an iterative, user-centred development process is followed.

Allergy Diary by MACVIA ARIA

MASK-air App

Smarter Pregnancy [Slimmer Zwanger]

Smarter Pregnancy

Reuma [Rheumatism] App

Reuma App

Wisely pregnant [ZwangerWijzer]


COPD information platform [Mijn Luchtpunt]

COPD info platform

Dutch Firefighters Coach

Brandweer Coach

KLM Health Services

KLM Health Services

Fysergo Care - client tracking system

Fysergo Care

B2C Europe customer pages

B2C Europe Customer Pages

Swinxs, the first games console that can be used outdoors

Swinxs, outdoor playing computer

IMID Monitor

IMID Monitor