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In the Sustainability category, DuurzaamBedrijfsleven.nl has been voted the best and most popular website of the year


DuurzaamBedrijfsleven.nl the website that is designed, built and hosted by Peercode has been voted the best and most popular website of the year in the Sustainability category!

In 37 categories, prizes were distributed during the Website of the Year gala. In the Sustainability category, DuurzaamBedrijfsleven left eleven other nominees behind. In addition to the best website, an award was also given to the most popular website of the year. That too went to DuurzaamBedrijfsleven.


Director of DuurzaamBedrijfsleven Yoeri van Alteren noticed that the focus on sustainability is increasing. "Our online platform now attracts more than 150,000 visitors per month, which we inspire on a daily basis with the best casesinterviews and background stories of sustainable business”.

According to Van Alteren, companies can no longer ignore sustainability. "I believe in a world in which sustainability is no longer a side issue for companies, but an integral and essential part of their right to exist. Where sustainability is not at the expense of profitability, but leads to better results. Winning the best website of the year election shows me that I am not the only one with that vision."

Peercode has been the software developer and partner of this fast growing and innovative organization since the start in 2015.